Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Mr.Pisel's Random Act

"Your blog got me thinking about how much I take for granted." My entertainment marketing teacher wrote. The idea behind his act was to take a little time out of his day and remind his family how great they really are, how happy they make him. He wrote notes to his wife and his two children explaining to them about the things they do that make him smile. This act was especially enjoyed by his three and a half year old, he was happy to hear his dad liked his stories and they made him laugh, he really liked the part about his "really cool dance moves". Mr. Pisel said, "it felt great to not only write the notes, but to read them to my children as well". The greatest thing about this, in  my opinion, is that the notes remain on their nightstands and his sons asks him to read it again and again every so often. This random act just shows that it's the little things in life. 

Remember if you perform an act of kindness send in your story and I will post it on this blog: sharethekindness22@gmail.com

1 comment:

  1. God bless you, Chelsea for what you are doing. I know that just one little act of kindness CAN and DOES make a difference in a person just at the moment when they need it most. God guides you to do those things. Pay it Forward will ALWAYS help people. Never doubt that OK? OK!

    Peter Roudebush
