Monday, May 5, 2014

The Golden Rule

Last week I was tricked, but it was a good kind of trick. I received a message from Damaris asking if I could talk to her after school. I walked into the classroom after school like asked, and I didn't see her. Instead I saw a kid named Collin sitting there with a bag of Whitey's and a note. When he said it was for me the first thing I said was, "Really? Are you sure?" I was not expecting it at all! Collin said he did it because I've done so many nice things without asking for anything in return, and hearing that made me smile from ear to ear. Collin said, "I chose to do ice cream because when I was little, my parents would randomly surprise me by buying ice cream and I remember how happy it would make me. Just the feeling of being surprised and knowing that someone else was thinking about me was enough to bring a smile to my face, but the ice cream also helped." Collin surely brought a smile to my face and made my heart very happy. He says, "Karma shouldn't always have to be a negative connotation, if you are kind to people, that kindness should find it's way back." I couldn't agree with him more. Thank you so much Collin, you're a great friend and even better person.

Remember if you perform an act of kindness email us your story at , share it on our Facebook page,  tweet about it and add the #kalarkind for it to appear in the right hand column of this blog, or fill out the form under the SHARE YOUR STORY page right on this blog!

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