Friday, February 21, 2014


Thank you everyone who has sent in a personal story about a random act of kindness that you performed! I check the email almost every hour because I enjoy hearing about all the inspiring things others are doing. Throughout this I have changed and added many things to the big goal I have set for this blog. It started out as just me making someone's day everyday, then I added the goal of having others share the kindness themselves, and I have yet again added something else. I would love to see and hear about all the random acts you perform, but I would also love to hear about the ones you witness. It's great to perform an act of kindness, but it's just as important to recognize and appreciate the ones that you see occurring. Not only did I add this new goal, I have also added a new way to let the world know. I want to make it easier and more convenient for some people to share the kindness, that is why I have added a live twitter update app in the right hand column. If you perform or see a random act of kindness occur tweet it out and add #kalarkind in the tweet and it will automatically pop up in the twitter box on the blog. You can also follow @kalarkind or like the Experience Acts of Kindness page on Facebook for blog updates and short sent in stories. Whether it's on twitter or by email, share the kindness please!

Remember if you perform an act of kindness email us your story at , share it on our Facebook page, or  just tweet about it and add the #kalarkind for it to appear in the right hand column of this blog 

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