Monday, February 24, 2014

Random Act of Kindness #35- Taking in the trash

My dad takes out the trash every Sunday night, because Monday is trash collection! When I come home for lunch on Mondays I see our trash can and recycling bin sitting in the driveway, but I always just ignored it. My mom always says we tend to walk by things and ignore them because we expect others to do it instead and that is exactly why I always ignored them. When my parents come home from work they just roll them in, I know they will do it so I don't have to. So, today when I saw the trashcan and recycling bin sitting there I didn't ignore it. I took a couple minutes during my lunch to roll them in so my parents didn't have to when they came home.

Remember if you perform an act of kindness email us your story at , share it on our Facebook page, or  just tweet about it and add the #kalarkind for it to appear in the right hand column of this blog

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